
Lisa Ray Natural Wellness Headline Animator

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Care the Natural Way

We live in a time where man made viruses run rampant causing widespread pandemics. Fear seems to rule people. Who can we trust to help us out of these situations? Will the government be able to help? Will the doctors have enough vaccination to go around for everyone? Manufacturers say they may not have what is needed for everyone. What do the rest of us do to avoid this pandemic? Are we even interested in getting the vaccine? Should we be concerned? The answer is yes. So many people think that it just can't affect them, but it can. It really hits home when it happens to someone you know, especially if that person is a child. I am not just talking about illnesses but fatalities as well.

Our first line of defense is a strong immune system. That may not stop us from contracting illnesses, but it will definitely minimize the severity and length of the illness. Proper diet and exercise have been preached from the beginning regarding health care. Most people simply don't realize the importance of it. Educating ourselves is very important to not only our health but that of our children and the elderly. Children are totally dependent on parents and caregivers for their overall well being. If you don't know what is important, then how can you make a good decision on health care?

Let me stress this to you, health care is not a doctor's responsibility. Health care begins and ends with the individual. You know that old saying “You can lead a horse to water...?” We need to accept responsibility for ourselves regarding our health. One of the first things that needs to be done is to acknowledge that we need to improve our diet. No more fast food, or at least keep it to a bare minimum. Parents, I know there are many out there that think “My child won't eat anything else.” I used to say the same thing, but you know what? If we don't give it to them, then they won't get it. It is our responsibility as parents to put healthy foods and snacks in our homes for our children. I know I may sound harsh, but I was a single parent for more than 10 years with two very picky eaters in the house. Believe me when I tell you that they will get used to it.

I recommend that you incorporate more natural foods gradually into your home. This will not only help with the cost, but also with the complaining from the children. As their bodies get nutrients and minerals from proper foods (not processed foods) the processed chemicals get displaced by the natural nutrients and minerals. As this takes place their little bodies no longer crave what was in the processed foods. This happens because the body is actually getting what it truly needs.

The second step is prevention. You should make sure that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are vital to our systems, but minerals are just as vital. Both are needed to maintain the proper environment in our bodies to ward off ill health and diseases. When our organs do not get the vitamins and minerals they need, they will take them from other parts of the body. Osteoporosis is just one example of how the body takes from one area to give to another more critical organ.

One more important factor that will help to maintain good health and a strong immune system is using supplements. Natural health alternatives have been used for centuries. In fact, in the beginning they were not alternatives but were the main source of healing all sickness and disease. People did not get them from supplements in those days. The foods eaten were the main source of acquiring what the body needed. In today's age of processed foods and eating on the go, we have lost much of the vitamin and mineral content because it is lost during processing.

Fortunately, we are still able to get them through supplements. My personal favorite is Nature's Sunshine Products. I have used and trusted this company for more than 5 years. The quality and testing are unsurpassed in the more than 30 years they have been in business.

Exercise is also important. Most people don't understand the importance of movement. The heart will pump the blood, but there is another very important system that circulates throughout our bodies that rids it of toxins. It is the lymphatic system. One important thing to know is that it is not controlled by the circulation from the heart, but from actual movement. Anyone who works daily sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle or at a desk needs to understand the importance of movement. An excellent way to start the day is with a little bit of Thai-Chi early morning excercise. It is perfect for morning exercise because it does not require a sweaty workout but will energize and invigorate you more than that morning cup of coffee.

There is so much more to learn about maintaining a strong immune system and warding off illnesses like H1N1 Virus and Staph infections. Everyone should educate themselves and their children. It is not only our right, but our God given responsibility. You may take a free Health Analysis in order to help you get started on the road to maintaining proper health and prevention of illness and diseases.

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